Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Day 2 Helsinki
Jacob woke up at four. Went to bathroom, looked out the window, played a game.
He did try to sleep some more BUT…
Finally I got up, took a shower, dressed and we went downstairs for breakfast, doors were still locked, we were too early at 6:15. Since the weither was beautiful, warm enough, we walked down the street to the Parliament house, checked out some statues of dead presidents.

This is what Jacob had for breakfast:
Plate1: 4 slices of cucumber, 2 slices of ham (or makkara)
Plate2: Bowl of cornflakes, fake strawberry cereal and granola mixed in with milk
Plate3: 4 mini meatballs (only ate 2), 4 steps of bacon, scrambled eggs
Plate4: karjalanpiirakka with eggbutter and slice of ham
Plate5: roll with jam
Glass of OJ, glass of apple juice, glass of pineapple juice

After all that I thought we needed some walking. J ran up the church steps twice

We took an early ferry to the Finland Castle (Suomen Linna), great place.Lots of cannons to climb on and tunnels to crawl into. It’s now four and Jacob is fast asleep, he was too tired even to finish his ice-cream.

The biggest cannon ever!!!

Crumpy or ........



After dinner at the Indian Restaurant and Ben&Jerries icecream, we needed another walk to the harbor. Kukka joined us.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Jacob! It sounds like you are having lots of fun already! We miss you here but there is not much going on. It has been very hot so the dog is always thirsty.

